The Charlie Chronicles

Snow Storm 2009

Snow Storm 2009
Christmas 2009
Fun Things
County Fairs
Bruford & Sydney
Green Spring Gardens 2005
Texas or Bust 2004
The Wedding
Daddy Satch
Natalie's Place
Send Us a Note

The newscasters all said it was "historic" and "record breaking". The only thing I know for sure is there was a lot of it everywhere.

Sheriff's Office parking lot

The parking lot at my work. See the tan military vehicle on the left? That was my chariot to work. The National Guard came and got me. I then camped out in the "bunk room" for an overnight (well really day) stay.

Sheriff's Office parking lot view

Satch in the driveway

This is Satch in the driveway. Thank goodness the neighbor was kind enough to plow it out. We don't have a tractor and hand digging out was just not an option.

Charlie in thigh high snow

Minivan eating puddle

A week after the snow we had a nice 45 degree day. The snow melted and formed this lovely minivan eating puddle in the middle of our driveway. It was about 3ft deep on the left side. And believe me, you don't want to hear the sad tale of how we came to find out how deep and soft that puddle actually was. 

Sheriff's Office back lot
